Surehero Global Health


Abuja Nigeria

Phone Number


“How” you provide services
Working effectively with a variety of people with different backgrounds and unique needs
means being respectful. This involves being welcoming, being curious about residents,
listening to them about their needs and preferences, acknowledging them and
communicating with them in ways they can understand. It is an ongoing process of educating
ourselves and seeking to better understand the individuals we support.

For example
− Consider requests in the resident’s personal service plan as much as possible.
For example, someone’s religious background might mean incorporating some
changes in meal planning for that person or in the scheduling of meal time.

› Providing assistance with dressing, grooming or giving medication might be
influenced by a person’s background and values and will often require only
small adjustments in the way services are provided.

› Someone’s culture, age and experiences might have a big influence on choices
that are made about social and recreational activities for a group.

− Adapt work practices to allow for cultural or personal views and experiences that
may have an impact on how we interact with that individual.
› For example, a person with a disability may not want assistance with mobility
unless they ask for help.

− Identify and record relevant information in a person’s personal service plan about
their culture, beliefs and preferences that may assist others in providing support.

− Create a welcoming environment for each resident and remain open to diversity
and complexity. Encourage each person to share their unique story.

− Create a safe space where residents can feel safe in sharing their perspectives and
interacting with others.

− Demonstrate respect. View each resident you assist as a person who is doing the
best they are able to do in their present circumstances.

− Keep a “watchful eye” over residents and monitor their health and safety needs on
an ongoing basis. If you have concerns about a resident’s decline in health or
capabilities to the degree that you think their needs are not being met, then it is
time to engage the resident and others in discussions about increasing services or
transitioning out of assisted living.

− Actively support transitions to more appropriate services once it is recognized that
something different is needed.

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