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Basic first aid intervention is a set of skills and know-how that is beneficial for all individuals to learn, as these can be used for emergencies. These may even one day be used to save the life of someone you care about. Though when it comes to emergencies, it is best to allow trained personnel and medical first responders to take care of the patients. However, if the situation necessitates, you can do your part to alleviate injury and risk while waiting for the emergency medical team to arrive. 

First aid is defined as a form of emergency care given to an injured person with the primary purpose of minimizing injury and future disability. In serious and dangerous cases, first aid may be the deciding factor in keeping a victim alive.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency treatment that’s done when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. For example, when someone has a heart attack or nearly drowns. CPR can help save a life.

The American Heart Association recommends starting CPR by pushing hard and fast on the chest. The pushes are called compressions. This hands-only CPR recommendation is for both people without training and first responders.

Here’s CPR advice from the American Heart Association:

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